Saturday, 18 May 2013

My how the hukus have grown!

So....where to begin?  So much has happened since my last post.

The hukus are now all around a year old.  Their feathers have filled out and they look like they are wearing beautful, billowy victorian dresses.

Huku flock


The hens are free rangers and just love scratching about the whole garden. I whisper to you that Priscilla hold a special place in my heart as she cherishes her freedom more than the others, we sometimes find her off on her own ever after the elusive morsel and always last to go into the coop at night.

Beautiful Bella
   In my eyes prettiest of the flock 
   Bella. The dark and soft greys are 
   soothing to the eye and suits her 
   gentle character.

The girls all started laying just after Christmas and we suspect Lara started the egg..... oops I mean ball,  rolling. When Chris fried us the first two eggs I found myself looking at it and thinking that I couldn't eat it - felt really strange to be eating something produced by my special hukus.  The yolks are a deep yellow colour and demand from friends and work colleuges outstrip production.

One morning I went down to the Huku Hut and found an egg.  I picked it up and it was still warm. As I held it in my hand I felt a few tears escaping down my cheeks.  How wonderful nature is - a miracle really.

 Beginning of March we moved house and it was only fair that the girls house got a make over too.  Blues for peace and relaxation. Puuukkk puuukkkk.

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