Saturday, 29 September 2012

Getting to know you...

A week has gone by and it's time to introduce you to the 'hukus'.


Lara is a Lavender Cuckoo and she is the curious adventurer and the first to try out anything new. On Wednesday night we went to put the girls to bed and were so excited to see that when we got to the hut they had found their way up the ladder and were already safely ensconsed in their sleeping quarters!  On the farm they didn't have a ladder so we think we have the brightest chicks on the block. So proud.....  Anyway on Thurday as we were watching them they started climbing the ladder one by one leaving Lara the last one in.  She started to cou-cou-cou-cou, neck outstretched and she checked all the corners, looked under the ladder and checked all the boundaries before making the ascent to the sleeping quarters.  The other hens must feel safe knowing that Lara Cluck is looking out for them all.


Hattie is a Buff  and is the eldest of the hens - 21 weeks and is top hen.  If there are any treats about or one of the other hens are standing where she wants to be she gives them a sharp peck. Chris calls her 'Horrid Hattie' but all she is doing is sorting out the pecking order.

I think she is gorgeous - masses of billowy feathers surrounding a very elegant lady - beak up in the air.

Not so elegant the first time she came down the 'hen walk' though ha ha


Priscilla is a Partridge and second eldest at 19 weeks.  She has very distinct marking and stands out in the flock.  She is quite a curious bird and is coming into herself.  Loves to scratch about in the undergrowth.


Bella is 16 weeks old and a Blue. She is the smallest of the hens and a gentle lady.  She even eats her food in the most delicate manner.  She reminds me of a Victorian lady in a beautiful gown.


She is a Silver and before she arrived we decided to name her 'HEYHO SILVER!' . Unfortunately she is the scardy cat of the flock.  Hides behind everyone and sqwarks (and sqwarts!!) like crazy when you pick her up.  Should we call her 'Cissy Spacegg'?  Well that name would not encourage her to come out of her eggshell would it?  The first time we threw some sweetcorn into the run, it wasn't Lara who ran out first to eat but 'SWEETCORN'.  She loves corn and gobbles it up as quick as she can - looses all sense of her fear.  Not a great pic of her - she is shy remember!

We let them out the run and into the garden today and it was a delight to watch them. It was a whole new experience for them and they looked and acted like jungle chicks.  I think they will be tired little girls tonight!

Whilst they were enjoying themselves we cleaned out the run and the coop. Wow what  G-I-A-N-T poos!

And then we settled down to watch them.  It is very theraputic - calms you down and puts a smile upon your face. Puuuk puk puk.

Cameron and Chris trying to get the girls to have their first taste of slug......not too keen. Yug.

Until next time - keep on clucking!

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