Friday, 21 September 2012

It's all coming together...

Thursday - arrived home to find a big brown box standing at the back door. Ooooh could it be the arrival of some chicken goodies??? Chris, brandishing a large pair of scissors cut open the nylon strapping and brown tape...........

I was overcome with the plastic-ness of the drinker and feeder..... note the sweetie box on the table LOL!!!

Friday - 10.40am the hen house arrives! 

 Steve and Dan were the expert assemblers and they didn't waste a minute.

I enjoyed watching the erection from this vantage point...  ; )

Chris hammered in a nail to show off his DIY skills and I just got overexcited!

We have hung up the feeder and the drinker.  The feeder - to hopefully stop any little visitors stealing the pellets at night and the water to stop any dirt from being scratched into the water. The straw is in the nest boxes and we have laid a carpet of wood shavings on the floor.  Chickens do not urinate - they pee and poop at the same time.  The white part of the poop is the urea. So it can be rather moist.  As it falls onto the shavings, it clumps making it much easier to remove from the sleeping quarters. I think I will snap on my surgical gloves for this job - or perhaps this may become Chris' chore?

Tomorrow morning we collect the girls cluck cluck clucketty cluck.  The only chick in the hut now is Chris' chick.....

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