Sunday, 23 September 2012

They've arrived!!!

We had packed the transport boxes into the back of Chris' car Friday night so that we could make a quick getaway Saturday morning. Traffic was busy around Windsor and as the traffic slowed and stopped periodically, I gazed across to the castle sitting above the Thames River.  Incredulously, the castle has been occupied for nearly 1,000 years. How the landscape must have changed throughout the millennium. The royal occupants could never have imagined all the cars, the busy shops, restaurants and roads surrounding it.

We arrived at Keith's our excitement mounting.  A beautiful sunny, autumnal day had everyone at the stables smiling or cat-napping in the warmth of the sun.

Chris, Keith 'Orpington' Gibbons and Kathy

The girls gave Keith a good run for his money......

All boxed up and ready to go.

We had a quick run home and unpacked the hens into their new home and settled back with a cuppa tea to watch the girls settle in.

Maui had a look in and wasn't too sure about the warning cackles emiting from the biggest birds he has ever seen.  What are they?  

The Huku family found their feed and water in no time.  We had read that it was a good idea to hang a cabbage head in the coup.  As well as enjoying the greens it provides some entertainment for them. 

Blog 4 I will introduce the girls to you.

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